We are Hello Wood.


We are action takers who bring you solutions. We are a design & build architecture studio with 10+ years of experience creating lovable buildings and projects worth celebrating. 


Our Design Approach

Our studio projects are driven by innovation, social responsibility, and an unwavering passion for great design. We work with wood and other sustainable materials to ensure our projects are eco-friendly and socially relevant. Through our work, we aim to raise awareness, encourage community building and bring architecture closer to the general public.

Click to see our projects.


Our Goals

Our multiple award-winning studio has designed and built projects all over the world including Germany, Canada, Argentina, the UK, France, Switzerland, Austria, South Africa and Hungary. Our plan is to expand and build even more amazing things all over the globe. Or maybe even further. Don't be surprised if you find one of our cabins on Mars when you get there.

Click to see our cabins.


Education & Social Responsibility

Hello Wood started as an art camp in 2010 for students in architecture and design that has grown into a unique art camp & festival involving more than 20 universities and 30 countries. Although we have evolved greatly with each passing year, we still keep our origins close to heart. Our award-winning educational programs integrate various fields of art, design, and science; they create community and encourage talent. 

Click to see our educational projects.


Our team

We're a tight group of dedicated individuals, working together to create design worth celebrating. And to our mind, work and play go hand in hand.



András Huszár

CEO, chief architect, co-founder

András is a true ambassador of the Hello Wood movement, bringing design thinking, community engagement and play into the workplace. He leads and manages the Hello Wood studio and remains actively involved in all stages of the design process. He cultivates relationships with clients and suppliers, and helps build lasting creative partnerships through Hello Wood's collaborative projects. He is also co-founder of DEMO (Design and Health model), Hungary’s first design program for children.

Dávid Ráday

designer, co-founder

As a designer and creative problem solver, Dávid works fluidly across different roles, including overseeing Hello Wood's creative output and leading the company's business development. Having worked at advertising agencies like Ogilvy and McCANN, he has also helped establish Hello Wood's global marketing presence and visual identity. Aside from Hello Wood, he co-owns Proud Productions, a Budapest-based film productions company and is currently the creative director of Sziget Festival.

Krisztián Tóth

chairman of the board, co-owner

Cannes Lion, Clio, Epica, D&AD, One Show, ADCE, Golden Drum and  "Innovator of the Year" awarded professional, member of the Hungarian Design Award jury, system engineer. After leaving from POSIBBLE CEE as a chief executive officer and creative director he joined the Hello Wood team in 2017. With decades of experience in creative advertising agency, organizational development and business process management and as a former international CEO he manages the Hello Wood group with his expertise. Father of three, venturesome, loves motorcycling.




Join the team

We are continuously growing and expanding our team, and looking for talented and dedicated people to fill open positions. If you want to join our team, we would be happy to hear from you!
Click to see the open positions



Hello Wood was founded in 2010 by architect András Huszár, media designer Dávid Ráday, architect Péter Pozsár, and economist Maxim Bakos. Due to its fresh, youthful, and innovative artist-architect attitude, Hello Wood has become a renowned architect and art lab, an installation artist, a distinctive social organizer, and an award-winning architect collective in the region in a short period of time.